Sybille Mertens (Chair)
University of Liège - ULiege
The latest international advances in the social economy, such as the United Nations resolution on the social economy, the European action plan for the social economy and, most recently, the first EU Council recommendation on the establishment of framework conditions for the social economy, open up a new field of possibilities for the widespread recognition of the social economy and the deployment of its full potential at European and global levels.
The European Social Economy Meeting: The social economy at the core of transitions is a unique opportunity for the social economy to bring together practitioners, scientists, policy-makers and other stakeholders to discuss innovative, resilient and inspiring economic models for a more social and sustainable Europe.
The event includes plenary sessions, workshops and round tables, as well as a Social Economy Village and visits to social economy enterprises
The three Belgian regions - Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels - having the competence of the social economy, have joined forces to present a broad overview and offer participants the best possible experience. The event is being co-constructed with regional administrations, stakeholders and practitioners.
The programme was drawn up in close collaboration with the help of a scientific committee and a committee of Belgian and international experts. Their input has been much appreciated and has resulted in a rich and varied program open to all.
Sybille Mertens (Chair)
University of Liège - ULiege
Thomas Bauwens
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Filip de Beule
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - KULeuven
Saskia Crucke
University of Gent - UGent
Millan Diaz Foncea
University of Zaragoza
Frédéric Dufays
University of Liège - ULiege & Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - KULeuven
Timothée Duverger
Sciences Po Bordeaux
Malin Gawell
Södertörn University
Cécile Godfroid
University of Mons - UMons
David Hiez
University of Luxembourg
Marek Hudon
Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Rocío Nogales
Anais Périlleux
Université catholique de Louvain - UCLouvain
Barbara Sak
CIRIEC International
Ludo Struyven
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven- KULeuven
Nathalie Vallet
Universiteit Antwerpen – UAntwerp
Stijn Van Puyvelde
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB
Pieter Geladé & Barbara Sak
Project leaders and co-hosts
Issam Benali
Chantal Line Carpentier
UNTFSSE (UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy)
Alain Coheur
EESC (European Economic and Social Committee)
Julien De Beys
Stef De Cock
Simel Esim
ILO (International Labour Organisation) – COOP Unit
Bruno Gerard
Wilfried Herpoele
Sarah de Heusch
SEE (Social Economy Europe)
Franck Kerckhof
Ressources asbl
Patrick Klein
Luigi Martignetti
REVES Network
Mathias Maucher
Social Services Europe (SSE)
Marina Monaco
ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation)
Quentin Mortier
(SAW-B), Conseil wallon de l'Economie sociale - CWES
Gorik Ooms
Mathieu de Poorter
(UNIPSO), Conseil wallon de l'Economie sociale – CWES
Sophie Reginster
(CSC), Conseil wallon de l'Economie sociale - CWES
Ricardo Rio
CoR (European Committee of the Regions)
Benoît Simonet
(FGTB), Conseil wallon de l'Economie sociale - CWES
Marie-Pierre Van Dooren
Agence du Numérique – ADN (Walloon Digital Agency)
OECD Social Economy and Innovation Unit
Fully aware of the potential of the Social Economy and the significant leverage it can exert in favour of the various transitions - inclusive, green and digital -, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has made the Social Economy one of its priorities. In parallel to this event, it also hosts a Conference of European Ministers in charge of social economy, as well as a meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Luxembourg Declaration.